Hi guys. Today we are looking for the 6 major nutrients for body.

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1. 6 major nutrients

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1. 6 major nutrients
- Carbohydrate
- Fat
- Protein
- Vitamin
- Mineral
- Water
2. Composition ratio of 6 major nutrients
- Carbohydrate : 0.4% - 1%
- Fat : 12% - 20%
- Protein : 14% - 19%
- Vitamin : less than 0.4%
- Mineral : 5% - 6%
- Water : 56% - 68%
3. What they do
- Carbohydrate - features : Carbo makes energy for our body, and be a composition of our body
- functions : Supply energy to body and brain to make them work.
- food : Rice, bread, noodle, and potato, etc.
- Protein - features : Protein is a supplement of amino acid and nitrogen compound
which are necessary for physiological function and living.
- functions : To make hair, muscle, cell of skin, and bone, etc
-food : meat, fish, egg, tofu, and bean, etc
- Fat - features : Fat makes up the cell membrane, and supply essential fatty acid. It also helps to carry fat-soluble vitamin into body.
- functions : It makes the highest calories among 3 major nutrients.
It protects organs in a body, and handle the temperature.
-food : Oil, nuts, and butter, etc
- Vitamin - features : Body can make vitamin itself. It can control metabolism and physiological function.
- functions: Vitamin can help metabolism of carbo, fat, and protein.
Vitamin can prevent aging and cancer.
- food : Vegetables, fruits, and dairy food.
- Minerals - features : All elements which make up our body except carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. (ex: zinc, iron, magnesium, etc)
- functions : Mineral make up our bones and body structure.
It can help to handle physiological function.
- food : meat, vegetable, milk, and seafood.
- Water - features : It is almost 70% in a body, and people must need to drink water to live
- functions : Water help us to keep body temperature.
It also can move nutrients and oxygen in a body.
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