Hi guys. Today I want to tell you about Magnesium.
1. What is Magnesium
Magnesium belongs to the alkali metal. It does many works in a body as an electrolyte.
We usually have 25g of magnesium in the body. 50%-60% of magnesium is in bones,
the rest except 1% is in Cartilage, and the 1% is in serum.
120mg of magnesium usually comes out with urine every day by the kidney.
2. Why we should have magnesium
2. Why we should have magnesium
- Protein synthesis
- Nerve function
- Chemical reaction
- Moving of calcium and potassium
- Muscle relaxation
- Sleeping well
3. What food have magnesium plenty
- Fresh vegetable - Spanish, beetroot, parsley, celery, etc
- Daily food - cheese, milk, yeast, etc
- Seafood - Seaweed, crab, shrimp, etc
- Carbohydrate - Sweetpotato, garlic, avocado, etc
4. Recommendation
Male: 350-400mg
Female: 300-350mg
A day
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