Hello. I want to tell you about milk which has well-balanced nutrient.

from : https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1003513680
1. Nutrient
2. What is milk
3. How it works for a body
4. Stereotype & fact
5. How to eat
1. Nutrients
100g/ 42kcal (% based on 2000kcal diet)
Total fat 1g (1.2%)
-Saturated fat 0.6g
-Polyunsaturated fat 0g
-Monounsaturated fat 0.3g
-Cholesterol 5 mg
Total carbohydrate 5g (1%)
-Dietary fiber 0g
-Sugar 5g
Protein 3.4g (6%)
Sodium 44mg (1%)
Potassium 150mg (4%)
Calcium 125mg (12%)
Vitamin B12 0.5ug (8%)
Magnesium 11mg (2%)
nut info from google
2. What is milk
What is milk? Milk literally means milk of Mammalia.
Generally, milk is kind of white color and translucent liquid from a cow.
Milk must be used to make cheese, butter, cream, yogurt, etc.
We can also buy milk from goat, horse, and camel.
Milk is made with 87% of water, 4% of fat, 3.5% of protein.
Milk has plenty of vitamin B, but the other vitamins usually destroyed when milk got
Milk has well-balanced nutrient. However, milk has lactose which is fat from dairy.
If you have lactose intolerance, the recommendation is drinking milk less than 200mg a day.
Though milk is a well-balanced product, it has fat and cholesterol. So Do not drink too much.
3. How it works for a body

from : https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1003513680
1. Nutrient
2. What is milk
3. How it works for a body
4. Stereotype & fact
5. How to eat
1. Nutrients
100g/ 42kcal (% based on 2000kcal diet)
Total fat 1g (1.2%)
-Saturated fat 0.6g
-Polyunsaturated fat 0g
-Monounsaturated fat 0.3g
-Cholesterol 5 mg
Total carbohydrate 5g (1%)
-Dietary fiber 0g
-Sugar 5g
Protein 3.4g (6%)
Sodium 44mg (1%)
Potassium 150mg (4%)
Calcium 125mg (12%)
Vitamin B12 0.5ug (8%)
Magnesium 11mg (2%)
nut info from google
2. What is milk
What is milk? Milk literally means milk of Mammalia.
Generally, milk is kind of white color and translucent liquid from a cow.
Milk must be used to make cheese, butter, cream, yogurt, etc.
We can also buy milk from goat, horse, and camel.
Milk is made with 87% of water, 4% of fat, 3.5% of protein.
Milk has plenty of vitamin B, but the other vitamins usually destroyed when milk got
Milk has well-balanced nutrient. However, milk has lactose which is fat from dairy.
If you have lactose intolerance, the recommendation is drinking milk less than 200mg a day.
Though milk is a well-balanced product, it has fat and cholesterol. So Do not drink too much.
3. How it works for a body
- Lots of calcium - The biggest part of minerals
- Vitamin B12 - removing homocysteine
- Well- balanced product - milk has carbo, protein, and fat with a good ratio
4. Stereotype & fact
- Milk makes people taller - NOPE! Milk is just a resource of calcium, and you can get calcium
from another vegetable as well.
- Butterfat is safe - Nope! cholesterol in egg york is safer, but cholesterol in butter is just
same cholesterol. Be careful.
5. Recommendation
Children: 400-600mg (2-3cups)
Adult: 200-400mg (1-2cups)
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