Benzo pyrene

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 What is Benzo pyrene?

Chemical formula: C20H12

Benzo pyrene is the class one of carcinogen and kinds of hydrocarbons.

This material is made by 300'c-600'c (572 F-1120 F)heat and incomplete combustion.

it is made when something got burnt, so when food got burnt, we can meet this.

Benzo pyrene is already in the list of carcinogen, and it has a connection with cancel obviously.

Actually, benzopyrene does not make cancel itself. When we take benzopyrene, Dior epoxide is made inside of the body.

Then, Dior epoxide will be combined with DNA, and then it makes changes of DNA.

 The process makes a cancel.

According to a study these days, the burnt from food is much better than the other stuff
(exhaust gas from a car, factory, and  so on)

The wall in a stomach has enzymes which are able to decompose toxic substances.

Furthermore, benzopyrene has volatility, so the food which really got heated and cooked makes

carcinogen less than gas.

The best case to make benzopyrene well is the food which has lots of fat meet direct heat from the fire which is more than 500'c

* If you are a chef, try to dodge the real gas when food got heated.
