from: me
1. What is Potassium
Potassium is the third most in a body following Calcium and Phosphorus.
The potassium is usually 2 times more than sodium. Sodium is usually outside of cells, but
Potassium is usually inside of cells. Potassium always works with sodium.
When our body has well balanced-ratio between Potassium and sodium, the body also can get well balanced as well.
So The most important thing for potassium is that potassium does not work alone, always with sodium. The ratio of btw potassium and sodium works in a body.
A kidney is a part which can handle amounts of potassium and sodium, and also can let it out.
Chemical symbol: K (Kalium)
Chemical number: 19
Elements weight: 39.0983
2. Why should we have potassium
- The major electrolyte of body fluids
- It can handle amounts of water in a body
- make a balance between acid and alkali
- Muscle contraction and relaxation
- Potassium makes the heart running
3. What food have potassium a lot
Pear (116mg / 100g)
Banana (358mg / 100g)
Black bean (1,393mg / 100g)
Potato (421mg / 100g)
Broccoli (316mg / 100g)
Onion (146mg / 100g)
Eggplant (229mg / 100g)
Avocado ( 485mg / 100g)
Beef ( 318mg / 100g )
Chicken ( 277mg / 100g )
4. If we have it too much
If we have too much potassium for a long time and bad condition of the kidney, It could bring Hyperkalemia which is a disease of an overflow of potassium in a body.
The kidney always handles amounts of sodium and potassium, but if the kidney sick or has a bad condition, The handling is not going well.
Then what kinds of symptoms does it have?.
- Hands and feet often are numbed - Many part's sensations of the body will be dulled.
- Hard to breathe - muscle's abnormality and paralysis affect Diaphragm
- A heart flutters obviously, and pain
5. Recommendation
The daily recommendation is 2975mg - 3500mg (a bit more than sodium or 1:1)
Someone who consumes sodium more than others can get until 4500mg.
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